Archive for September, 2007

Coach Craig again, for the first time

After a little discussion, Tamara and I decided that I should volunteer to coach Tabitha’s volleyball team. The Round Rock park commission was asking for parent volunteers having run about 3 coaches short for the 11-13 yr old volleyball group. My last coaching stint was in 2005 as head coach for the 7th & 8th grade B-team at Brentwood Christian. Actually, this was much more challenging than coaching the A-team, and I loved it.

My volleyball experience is limited to playing (a lot) in college for intramural sports and competitive club ball. However, most of my real education came on the front lawn of Harding University with players from the west coast schooling me every chance they got.

Though Charity and Judah have played sports, I’ve not coached their teams. So, it’s a bit strange that even though Tabitha is the oldest, that this is her first opportunity to play and I get to coach her. Pretty cool. Also, Tabitha is wonderfully competitive, focused, and determined. We’ve been working on her volleyball for about 4 years now. As long as she doesn’t try to get “fancy”, she’ll do fine.

Practices: Tuesdays @ 6pm.

I just recently noticed that I’m not on here anywhere….So, hello there.

Daily prayer and pledge

Spelling was never dad’s strong suit. That’s one reason he works with computers now. Can you find the error?

Getting our Books!

So finally, in mid August, the shipment arrived. We couldn’t believe how many books you could pack into so few boxes!

And here we go.

So excited, I can’t keep my shirt on.

Wait…what is that one. Can I see too?

Flashing the “Bibles are cool” sign. Better watch out, dude.

Drop and give me 20…problems. It’s a mathematics workout.

Nope, karate doesn’t work against the power of the mind.


Ok now Judah. You sit there and pretend to be really into this book. Ok…hold it…give me a little smile…got it. Ok…

…time for video games.

Charity pleasantly overwhelmed by the magnitude of the material.

And now we share a bit of the excitement.

And a few days later….

For all the pictures, just click here.

Hello everyone

Dad has started this blog site for us.  He has a certain hope that you will find the information here encouraging and capable of bringing you peace and joy.  Also, he simply loves speaking of himself in third person.

Grace and peace.

Dado video ’06

Just a brief video of our visit with Dado at Thanksgiving ’06.