
Revelation hits me occasionally. Often I fail to write them down, and my memory is so poor, those epiphanies float away to oblivion as far as they depend on me. Not too long ago (compared to my 37 years and 15 of marriage) Tamara decided to begin writing hers down in a single book. One of those things that hit her and changed the way she did stuff. (By the way, I respect her immensely for this and do not read it unless asked to. Really.) But every once in a while, she’ll mention something to the effect “Person X and I/us would be great friends if we knew each other”. And while I consider it, I either think/say “yep” or “I have no idea”. Its never been “no” (that I can remember). But Tamara simply expresses it. I on the other hand don’t roll that way. My response to such promptings about people is to “do something” instead of saying/thinking it. For example, in one of my goofier moments I handed Jordan Shipley and Colt McCoy a pokemon card (I think it was Squirtel or Bulbasaur) with our contact information on it. You see, being the college group leaders at our church, I’d been looking for ways to be creative in extending our group’s merits by first establishing communication and letting them know personally the ways they can participate with other students who regularly attend Westover, but without being pushy or overbearing. Or the time I tried to write an email to the writer of “Walk On – Life from the End of the Bench” simply because we both grew up in Memphis. Or when I sent a “Facebook message” to Juliann Faucette simply because we love UT volleyball *and* had worshiped with her at Austin Stone.  Or… I could go on. So, I’ve decided to just mark these behavioral differences up to having opposite personality characteristics. But I think Tamara’s is less embarrassing. And honestly, she takes these insights to the Father much more often than I. So, her “doings” are more often effective. There’s so much for me to learn.

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  shea lea wrote @

It is so funny to read this post. It sounds just like Matt and me. I get these big ideas that I feel are “spirit lead” and I jump and do. Wether i’m successful or not doesn’t matter. I always realize if I would have been “silent” and listened closer I wouldn’t have embarressed my self as much or it could have been easier in some way. Matt will pray about it and think through every possibility and he accomplishes things wonderfully and with ease. Oh well, I guess it’s a good balance for our families. If we were all like Matt, we’d never have our spontanious fun, it would all be planned and scheduled weeks in advance. The kids are adorable and so big! Have a great weekend!

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