Archive for August, 2008

The new Home in Full detail

I wasn’t able to upload to flickr until today.  Now you can take a full tour in pictures of our new home.

Living with the animals

No, I don’t mean my children.  Over the course of this summer we’ve experienced some pretty amazing wildlife right here in the heart of Tejas.  Here are the highlights:

1. Judah catching baby alligator gar in Lake Austin (pics already posted in previous post). It lived with us for about 3 days.

2. Judah catching multiple red slider turtles in Lake Austin (pics already posted).  It lived in Moses’ fish tank for about 3 days.

3. A single parrot, at first presumably an escapee, foraging early one morning with a group of black birds at Emma Long Metro Park.  As we jogged on by, we spooked the flock and they all flew off together.  He’d found a surrogate flock.

4. I watched a mother deer as she hoofed a German Shepherd almost to death.  The 100 lb dog, actually part of a small pack, aggressively protecting her yard never stood a chance.  A pair of week-old fawns stood timidly toward the rear of the yard.

5. Here in our new neighborhood, a whole flock of parrots mixed with a few black birds, fluttered up into the tree tops as we approached them while jogging just a few weeks ago.  These had obviously migrated up here from down south.

6. I watched a pair of gray foxes, which were ghost like in appearance, skirt the edge of our campsite at Emma Long.

7. The whole family watched in horror as a banded-water snake slid across Lake Austin, onto shore a few feet from our swimming area, being pull by a terrified frog.  As the frog helplessly croaked out it’s call for help, the snake slowly swallowed its prey from the frogs feet up over its head and then moved it down its throat/neck/belly/body.  A truly horrendous sight.  A national geographic experience like none other.

Yeah for Harding! Yeah for Monte!

Harding just announced that Monte Cox is the new Dean for the school of Bible, and that Dan Stockstill will be the new Associate Dean.  I just can’t think of anyone that I’d be happier with in this appointment.  The only possible downside would be having fewer opportunities to have Monte or Dan for class.  Now to figure out a position for Dr. Fortner….

Now, only 6 years until Tabitha can be there.  Hold on Monte!

A quick tour

Having some issues with our flickr account, so here’s a video:

And a quick floorplan: